The Pooja ceremony for the construction of the new wing at Sangam College of Nursing was led by the Honorable Parveen Kumar Bala, in the presence of the Labasa Sangam and The National Executives. The ceremony was presided over by the head priest of Sri Siva Subramaniya Swami Temple Nadi – Mohan Sambasivam Gurukkal
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Happy International Men’s Day!
Today, we celebrate the incredible contributions, strength, and positive impact of men in our lives and communities. It’s a day to recognize the importance of kindness, resilience, and leadership while promoting health and well-being for men and boys everywhere. Let’s honor the values of respect, empathy, and equality, and continue building a world where everyone […]
Reaching your Roots program
Ritika Sologar was one of the 12 youths who went to Tamil Nadu under the Reaching your Roots program funded by the Government of Tamil Nadu and Ms. Sologar was able to visit her ancestral Village and the families. A very touching moment.