With profound grief and sorrow the National President of TISI Sangam Fiji Mr. Sadasivan Naicker, National Executives, TIM Sangam Fiji, TIV Sangam Fiji and Members of the Council of Management announces with deep sadness the passing away of Life Member Mr. Mr. Anand Vijay K. Achari of Nalovo, Nadi.

Late Mr. Achari was the President of the Nalovo Sangam School from 2001 to 2004 and later the school President and Manager from 2018 till 2020. He was also represented Nalovo TIV Sangam as a player as well as Executive and was the Head Pujari for the Nalovo Temple. His funeral will be on Sunday 5th September, at 1.00 pm at the Nalovo cemetery. All COVID-19 protocols will apply.

The TISI Sangam Fiji conveys its heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences to the family of late Mr. Anand Vijay Achari and pray to the Almighty that his soul rests in peace.