The need is huge and we were hoping to make it accessible for people to get groceries as they need while we are working on food reserves,  seeds and set up of income generation programs.

To ease the process of assessment we have put together a google form which persons requiring assistance can complete and submit online.  This on facebook and we are getting requests from around Fiji. The data submitted can then be assessed , collated and referred to partners on the ground such as yourselves for distribution.

We do ask that a distribution form be completed when relief items are provided to the families and send back to us for record keeping.  We are loading all the data on an app being managed by Traceable Farms  to in coordination and analysis of data for reporting purposes.

Our food packs are made up of basic food items and if you prefer you can use the same. A standard pack consists of 5kg rice, 5kg flour, 2 kg dhal, 2 tins of tuna, 1 kg salt,  2 packets breakfast crackers,  1 kg sugar, packet of loose leaf tea, 1 long bar washing soap and 2 bathing soap. (this is less than $40)  ( we also have 10kg packs for large families ($66)  ) When we distribute we have been giving larger packs but if people travel to food banks it will be easier for them to carry back smaller packs.  Where possible we are handing seeds/ seedlings as well.

The link to the google form is . Please feel free to share the link through your networks .

Distribution can be difficult as people will queue up so we need forms to be filled and volunteers assessing and distributing – you may need 3 people to assist at each center ensuring the data is recorded.  Once in database, abuse  will be minimized.

We are grateful you are offering to do food banks in Nadi, Suva and Labasa. We are managing Ba and Lautoka for now.

We are trying to raise funds for food packs and as soon as we have some we can direct to your banks- if you are able to generate some funds to start this we will support in every way possible.

For Lautoka we have now approval to start 4 food reserves at 4 plots being provided by LCC, hoping if people are hungry they can reach out to these plots for food as well.

We are also working with  tourism sector to list down trades people and start a seed fund to help them start some small income generation programs. We will keep you updated.