Forty-seven-year old Vilimaina Takayawa finally accomplished her dream 24 years after graduating with a Diploma in Nursing in 1993.

Yesterday, she graduated at the Suva Sangam Hall, Suva, with her Bachelor of Nursing Science (Post Registration) through the Sangam Institute of Technology College of Nursing and Health Care Education.

Ms Takayawa is a senior nurse at the St Giles Hospital in Suva.

She said her dream to gain her degree in nursing was to motivate her two young children.

“At 47, I am overwhelmed to have a degree, something I had been dreaming about the last 24 years,” Ms Takayawa said.

“Every year, when universities’ programmes came out, I used to look out for the degree programme so I could pursue my degree and if possible further pursue my Post Graduate as well,” she said. Read Full Article (Fiji Sun)